MEMETERIA by Thomas May

Music & the Arts

Thomas Dausgaard Joins Seattle Symphony

Thomas Dausgaard (photo: Morten Abrahamsen)

Thomas Dausgaard (photo: Morten Abrahamsen)

Let’s face it: this has been a dreadful week in classical music news. “Not single spies, but in battalions” indeed: the abysmal mismanagement leading to the fiasco in Minnesota, ditto for NYC Opera, now Carnegie Hall on strike. So it’s especially cheering to get this piece of good news. The Danish conductor Thomas Dausgaard has just been named principal guest conductor of Seattle Symphony and will officially take over that post next season. From the press release:

Music Director Ludovic Morlot said, “I’m thrilled to welcome Thomas Dausgaard to the Seattle Symphony family. He is a truly great musician and I know that he will be an asset in further developing our orchestra as a world-class ensemble. I am greatly looking forward to this new artistic partnership.”

“Making music with the Seattle Symphony is an inspirational experience,” commented Thomas Dausgaard. “I feel honoured and thrilled about joining this eminent team, where music’s passion and joy is the language spoken. Thank you Seattle Symphony, Ludovic Morlot and the wonderful audience here for making me feel so welcome.”

Dausgaard’s appointment also marks the first time this post — typically found with many prestigious orchestras – has been created at Seattle Symphony. I have a feeling Dausgaard, 50, will make a powerful creative team with his younger colleague, the 39-year-old Morlot. Dausgaard will be in town for next this week’s concerts. (That was wishful thinking on my part, since I have to miss the concerts this week. Drat. Dausgaard will be conducting a program of Beethoven’s Triple Concerto and Schubert’s “Great” C major Symphony — seriously hate to have to miss this.)

Filed under: music news, Seattle Symphony
